Technology is a part of society, there is no question about that, and I beleive that the integration process has gone quite smoothly.  After watching the video that was presented in class on Tuesday I have been doing some thinking.  I know we discussed how technology affects the classroom and how it plays a part in education, and I beleive technogy can have a positive and negitive effect in the classroom and on teachers as a whole. 
     Technology is essential in everyones life and I think that we would be doing children a disservice if we were to eliminate technology in the classroom.  Children in this day and age need to be prepared to handle what life throws them when they are done school.  If we as teachers cannot provide them with up to date knowledge then we should not teaching them.  We would be hindering their growth and preventing them from becoming competant adults.  Also technology can bring creativity to the classrom and create interest and variety through learning.
    At the same time, as teachers at what point is it decided that technology can replace us.  When does it makes more sense for one teacher to teach thousands at one time in comparision of one teacher educating 25 students.  Don't get me wrong I am not saying that I support this theory or believe that this is the best way of teaching, but we are already seeing this trend happening in schools today.  In our High School in Vauxhall the Art classes are done via internet by a teacher in Taber.  Does this create the best learning environment, probably not. We must consider that these kids  are not able to have Art as an option and through the use of technology they are given the opportunity to do so.  So when the govenrnment funding runs short and kids are in need of education and online teaching becomes a viable option will we see technology replace us?  I hope not, because teachers bring an invaluable resource to the classroom that a computer cannot provide.  Taking the teacher out of the classroom will not only affect the learning of the child but will also affect social skills that are developed through peer realations.  This is an issue that I am sure would make a great debate and if anyone wants to share thier views on the issue I am open to discussion!
10/9/2012 08:06:37 am

I completely agree with you. Technology is a very important aspect of our society and we need to prepare our students for this aspect in our world. However, people still need to interact with people and I think our most important interactions happen in school. School is where we learn to socialize and that cannot happen if there is no teacher.


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